In Midtown Memphis, TN

Community Groups

Interested in participating in a Community Group?

Sign up by clicking the button below and check out our groups below.

Group One
Time: Wednesday Evenings
Location: off Highland Ave.
Leader: John Albritton (

Group Two
Time: Wednesday Evenings
Location: off S. Yates Rd.
Leader: Austin Lenox (

Group Three
Time: Wednesday Evenings
Location: High Point Terrace / Chickasaw Gardens / Hedgemoor
Leaders: Colin and Cooper Donoghue (,

Group Four
Time: Sunday Evenings
Location: High Point Terrace
Leaders: James and Virginia Rantzow (,

Group Five
Time: Sunday Evenings
Location: off Kirby Rd.
Leaders: Ryan and Charlotte Turtle (,

Group Six
Time: Sunday Evenings
Location: Central Gardens (Carr Ave.)
Leader: Abby Talbot (

Group Seven
Time: Sunday Evenings
Location: Central Gardens (Cowden Ave.)
Leaders: Ben and Whitney Winkler (,

Group Eight
Time: Sunday Evenings
Location: Central Gardens (Central Ave.)
Leaders: Matt and Kathryn Howell (,

Group Nine
Time: Sunday Evenings
Location: off N. Parkway near Rhodes
Leaders: Brantley and Katie Davidson (,


Community Groups are the backbone of the communal life of our church.


God did not make us to do life alone.

He made us to live in community with others. Redeemer’s Community Groups are home-based groups which gather regularly for prayer, service, and fellowship. These multi-generational groups always have an empty seat at the table for anyone to visit!

Community Groups provide a venue to know more of Christ together, to love and care for one another mutually, and to enjoy life communally. Redeemer’s Community Groups meet roughly twice a month on Wednesday or Sunday evenings throughout various neighborhood’s in our city.